Our privacy policy and GDPR statement

Nick Whale Motorhomes Ltd will always store your personal details securely. We’ll use your details only to provide the service that you have requested and communicate with you in the way(s) that you have actively agreed to.

We will never pass your details on to anyone else without your explicit consent.

You are free to change your mind at any time by changing your contact preferences online (where applicable), or by contacting us

Contact details

Nick Whale Motorhomes, Lauriston Park, Pitchill, Evesham, WR11 8SN, UK

Tel: 01386 870852

Email: hire@nickwhale.com

What data we collect from you

We collect information you provide, such as your name, address, telephone number (landline or mobile) and email address when processing enquiries, providing any requested service (i.e. newsletter, vehicle alerts) and for any business related transactional communications (e.g. invoices, service and maintenance communications, annual service, warranty health check etc).


We also use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use our site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, so we don't know who is using our site and your privacy is intact.

Please click here for more information.

What data we collect from third parties

We collect no other data from third party services.

How we use your data

Legal basis under the GDPR by which we process your data


We employ safeguards, such as formal Data Protection and Data Retention policies, to protect your privacy.

To opt out of any of the above processing, please contact us.

You are under no legal requirement to provide your personal data and you are not required to provide personal data to us. However, your failure to do so may affect our ability to provide the services you request – for instance, letting you know about important warranty information,  We will not be liable for compensation if we are not able to contact you

Data Subject Rights

Under the GDPR you, as the data subject, have the following rights:

We will not charge you for a copy of the data we hold about you and will respond to requests within 30 days.

If any of the information we have is wrong, let us know and we’ll correct it.

Sharing your data

We will never sell your personal data to another organisation.

We may disclose your personal data if required by law or to enforce our legal right.

We may disclose your data to service providers who render services to us or you on our behalf (all of which are contractually obligated to act only on our instructions and in accordance with applicable laws, including GDPR), which includes our accountants.

How long we will hold your data

As a customer who has purchased from us, we will keep your information until requested to remove it.  This is to ensure we can provide important information that may be relevant to your any vehicle and also in compliance with our legal obligation to keep vehicle ownership records.

How we secure your data

We will collect, process and store your data safely and securely.

Our staff are trained in current Data Protection regulations and are required to abide by our Data Protection Policy.